Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Global Warming: Why Consumers And Insurers Are Getting Hot Under The Collar Over Life Insurance

by: Rachel Lane

Global warming may have been lurking on our horizon for a number of years and historical records of terrorists have existed for thousands of years, but we are coming into a new age where we try and financially protect ourselves against such problems and if we’re honest … we’re struggling.

The recent terrorism attacks in London brought home the fragility of human life to many Brits, who had previously been able to distance themselves from terrorist activity. For the partners and offspring of city workers, the fragility of their finances also became apparent with the potential loss of a loved one alongside the loss of future income and possibly the family home.

It is widely agreed that most life insurance policies should cover acts of terrorism, though most websites (including the Association of British Insurers) do state that you should always, always read the small print, as there may be insurer-specific exemption clauses. It will be interesting to see what effect terrorism has on life insurance applications and whether there’s a rise in consumer interest as a result of terrorist attacks.

Certainly the indication so far is that life insurance applications will be treated quickly and sympathetically in the event of a terrorist attack, reiterated by the Association of British Insurers (ABI) and Ginger Applegarth of MSN Money who stated that for insurers “to back out of paying a claim now would be considered unpatriotic and a marketing disaster.” In Applegarth’s column, she includes an “insurance checklist” of the very basics that you have to do when making a life insurance claim. She also states that insurers paid out almost $3 billion after the September 11 attacks in 2001.

It isn’t just your life insurance that can encompass a terrorism related clause. Travel insurance and property insurance can also contain terrorism related options. The website states clearly that “household, buildings and contents policies include damage by fire, explosion or impact, whether caused accidentally, through the malicious act of an individual criminal or in an act of terrorism.” The costs and extent of cover will vary, so shop around and read the terms and conditions very carefully.

Contamination cover is singled out by ABI as a contentious issue and apparently has been a standard exclusion on household policies since the 1960s, due the potential scale of claims, as many homes could be affected by a single incident.

Cover against terrorism is also available for businesses, typically as an extension to property cover. Commercial property terrorism cover is typically allocated on an “All Risk” capacity, encompassing biological, chemical, radiological and nuclear contamination, as well as interruption to the business. Commercial property cover does not include electronic or internet related risks or hoaxes.

Other life insurance exemptions may include lifelong illnesses such as diabetes and epilepsy. Lifestyle habits such as smoking may or may not invalidate a life insurance application, but they will make it more expensive. Always get your medical records assembled before you apply for life insurance, as this will save time and possibly money as well. Once this information is assembled, you can begin assembling some personal quotes through life insurance comparison sites such moneynet ( ) or UpMyStreet ( ).


About The Author

Rachel Lane is a straight talking little lady who lives in the Scottish hills. Rachel also writes for the personal finance blog Cashzilla: a wee bit of banter on finance related issues.

Phone: 0131 561 2251

The Perks of Global Warming

by: Nola L. Kelsey

Marya Mannes once wrote, “The earth we abuse and the living things we kill will, in the end, take their revenge; for in exploiting their presence we are diminishing our future.” Obviously Ms. Mannes preferred the status quo - health, sanity, logic, blah, blah, blah. Why? Green House Roulette is so much more intriguing.

In the country, weather affects everything. For five years Western South Dakota has been gripped by drought. Water and hay are vanishing. Farms and ranches are blowing away. While the government bails out victims from hurricanes and says, ‘South Dawho?’ our cattle are pissing dust mites. Fortunately, things are looking up.

There is some good news! Those pesky glaciers are finally melting off! Last year an eight-nation report estimated an area of Arctic icepack the size of Texas and Kansas is gone. For those who are geographically impaired, that is an area bigger than a breadbox.

At first, news of devastating global climate change might seem a bit of a bummer. Then I read an LA Times article and had a change of heart. The article began with the usual gloom. Greenland’s ice cap is melting. Our coasts will flood from rising seawater. Inuit hunters are falling through thinning ice. Melting glaciers change ocean temperature and salinity contorting the jet stream, which results in altered weather patterns worldwide. Multitudes of species are dying off . . . It was disheartening.

Then I got to the article’s final paragraph. Bam! My faith was restored. Here the Times pointed out the perks of global warming. Seriously, the article actually ended saying: “The report is not all gloomy. A warmer Arctic could increase the number of some species, such as Arctic char, a fish. It could extend the growing season for wheat in Canada and open up now-treacherous sea routes, such as the Northwest Passage and the Northern Sea Route, which parallels Russia, for shipping and resource exploration.”

Three cheers for the LA Times! It’s true! All is not gloomy. With that glorious bit of sunshine pumped straight up my ski bibs, I was able to see things in a whole new light. I started thinking of other advantages to global warming. Soon you will agree that people from all walks of life will benefit.

For starters, Inuit Hunters will benefit! Once Inuit have nothing left to hunt there will be no need for them to risk falling through thin ice. Plus, by needing food they will be ripe for a floating (pontoons, not ice) Arctic Super Wal-Mart. “Go get ‘em, Sam.”

Boat owners will benefit! Not only will there be smooth sailing through the formerly bothersome ice of the Northwest Passage, but each summer, cruise ships will be able to run tourists straight up Bourbon Street in New Orleans.

Scuba Divers will benefit! There will be no more burning coral cuts. In fact there will be no more coral. Once all the reefs are gone, divers can pack away first aid kits and dive straight in. A little silt never cut anyone.

Canadian Wheat Farmers will benefit! You see, there is a 10% decrease in yield of corn from Midwest crops for every degree of global warming. No worries though, now wheat can take the place of corn. Think about all those scrumptious Wheat Dogs at the ball game. How about popped wheat with butter at the movies or steaming wheat on the cob? All scream ‘yummy’ to me.

While it is a bit ironic that ethanol is made from the corn crops global warming devastates, I am sure some aspiring chemist will rise to the challenge of developing ‘Wheatanol.’ Imagine Canuck Wheat Farmers having more influence than the Saudi Royal Family.

Dune-Buggy enthusiasts will benefit! The Dakotas will soon reopen for your 4-wheelin’ pleasure. Join the Mount Rushmore Nose Climb on July 4th! It will be a bugger of a challenge!

Eco-Tourism Operators will benefit! Companies could offer new “Emaciation Tour Packages.” Tourists get closer photos of polar bears and whales when they are too lethargic from starvation to meander away. In addition, long treks to Inuit villages can be avoided once they are forced to beg on the streets of Nome (or cashiering at Wal-Mart).

Finally, the next generation of Bush family politicians will benefit! Once again they can avoid addressing campaign issues, this time by distracting dehydrated voters with witty campaign phrases like; “No Kyoto Pact-No Ice Pack,” or “Dead Seals Never Flip-Flop,” even promising “No Char Left Behind.” Not to mention offering new, SPF 80 tax credits.

Well, by golly, I do feel better! Shall we spin the Rolette wheel some more?

About The Author

Zoologist turned satirist Nola L. Kelsey is the author of the scathingly wicked satire Bitch Unleashed: The Harsh Realities of Goin’ Country and coauthor of the twisted political satire Keeping the Masses Down. Her newsletter, Nomadic Muse, tracks Kelsey’s escape from South Dakota normality to her life as a shoestring backpacker in SE Asia. More excerpts from Bitch Unleashed and subscriptions to Nomadic Muse are available at

Physics and the Bible Both Suggest Natural Causes for Global Warming (Part 1)

by: Lisa J. Lehr

Global warming is one of the most contentious issues in the news today. Sadly, the facts on the subject are clouded by non-scientific issues. Conservatives/creationists often fear that accepting global warming as fact implies an acceptance of liberal/evolutionist/old earth doctrine. Scientific/intellectual types may feel that rejecting global warming is tantamount to being unscientific or, worse, “religious.” This partisanship need not be. The laws of physics are adequate to explain a naturally occurring global warming; Biblical commentary on nature supports it; together they can help us understand the role of humans in it.

What is global warming, and how does it happen?

Global warming refers to an increase in the Earth’s average temperatures. It is largely attributed to the greenhouse effect, an easily observable scientific phenomenon whereby certain gases in the atmosphere trap energy from the sun. Infrared insolation (solar radiation) enters the atmosphere and is about 92% absorbed by “greenhouse gases,” primarily carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, and water vapor. Thus, heat builds up in the earth’s atmosphere. (A greenhouse enables plants to grow even in cold weather because glass performs this same “trapping.”) The greenhouse effect, by itself, is not a bad thing; in fact, it is necessary for life. Otherwise the planet would be too cold.

The greenhouse effect is not the only probable cause of global warming. Another might be changes in the sun’s radius—a normal part of a star’s life cycle. But the greenhouse effect has received most of the press because it is perceived as something humans can control.

Scientists have supposedly documented rising temperatures in the earth’s atmosphere, with corresponding increases in ocean temperatures, shrinking of ice masses, rises in ocean water levels, and loss of existing shoreline areas. The principle at work here is that as water warms, it expands.

(Predictions of massive flooding due to melting of polar ice are a good example of junk science. According to the Archimedes Principle, the buoyant force on an object wholly or partially immersed in fluid is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced. Ice is about 93% of the density of water; 7% of floating ice rises above the level of the water in which it floats. Applying this to polar ice, the ice would, upon melting, occupy exactly the same amount of space in the water as it did when it was ice.)

Logically following the question of whether global warming is real or not is what causes global warming, and this is where all the environmental, political, and economic complications enter the picture. All living things contain carbon; any organic matter (wood, coal, fossil fuels), when burned, produces carbon dioxide. Global warming proponents say that our use of fossil fuels, beginning with the Industrial Revolution, is overwhelmingly to blame, with carbon emissions leading to a greenhouse effect.

Some evidence indicates that changes in atmospheric CO2 followed changes in air temperature. Note that “followed” suggests a complete reversal of accepted cause-and-effect. The current rate of rise of sea level might actually be related to warm weather conditions of several thousand years ago. This time frame is noteworthy, because an event that happened thousands of years ago takes us right back to Old Testament times—Creation, or perhaps the Flood.

Evidence of global warming

Many examples of global warming have been reported recently.

George Washington hauled cannons across the Hudson River (two and a quarter centuries ago). Now the Hudson doesn’t freeze.

Glaciers in the Alps are retreating. The area of Glacier National Park in Montana has shrunk by about 10% in the past decade. Some people who live within the Arctic Circle report that they used to be able to see ice floes from where they live, but no longer can.

The ice cap of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania is melting at a rate such that it has shrunk by one third in the last 20 years, and may be entirely gone within the next 20 years. Other equatorial glaciers in Africa and in Peru are retreating as well.

Three small, uninhabited islands in the South Pacific disappeared under the rising sea in 1999. In 1998, a chunk of ice the size of Connecticut broke off of the Antarctic shelf.

Ocean surface temperatures in the eastern Pacific have risen two to three percent, resulting in a 70% decline in zooplankton populations, in turn threatening the survival of many fish and seabirds.

Half of the last 20 years have set high-temperature records. Both the hottest single year and the hottest five-year period on record have occurred in the last decade.

The Laws of Thermodynamics

Thermodynamics is the study of the transformations that occur between heat and mechanical energy. The growth of this new science, in the mid-19th century, was stimulated, in part, by the Industrial Revolution. Scientists and engineers were eager to maximize the efficiency of new inventions such as the steam engine.

The principle of the conservation of energy is known as the First Law of Thermodynamics. In simple terms, the total energy in an isolated system is constant.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics, stated simply, is that it is impossible to convert heat energy entirely to work (some of it is lost).

Expressed another way, the two laws are: first, you can’t win; second, you can’t break even. As an example, consider how your refrigerator works. It cools the contents, but where does the heat go? Into your kitchen, so that the refrigerator must work harder to keep its contents cold.

How Thermodynamics relates to global warming is this: as living and non-living things go through their life cycles, and eventually into a state of decay, there is a dissipation of energy in the form of heat. Not all of that heat can be recycled into the system (the earth and everything on it). Hence, global warming.

Please continue to Part 2

About The Author

Lisa J. Lehr is a freelance writer with a specialty in business and marketing communications. She holds a biology degree and has worked in a variety of fields, including the pharmaceutical industry and teaching, and has a particular interest in science as well as conservative social issues. She is also a graduate of American Writers and Artists Institute (AWAI), America’s leading course on copywriting. Contact Lisa J. Lehr Copywriting, for help with your business writing needs.

This article ©Lisa J. Lehr 2005.

Physics and the Bible Both Suggest Natural Causes for Global Warming (Part 2)

by: Lisa J. Lehr

What the Bible says that could be applied to global warming.

The book of Romans contains a wealth of wisdom for the Creation scientist and anyone else wanting to learn something about the natural world. Chapter 1 is a good starting place, as it explains how nature (Creation) so clearly reveals God that to deny His existence is insane.

In chapter 8, we read that “creation groans.” The earth, and everything on it, is in a state of decay. Think about it. Everything gets older, and there is no reversal of that process. Rocks are broken into smaller rocks, which become pebbles, and eventually sand. No one but God can create a monolith like Half Dome.

In context, Scripture is telling us that in this earthly existence, life is about death. Our hope is in eternal life.

How global warming supports a young earth theory

Given the accelerating speed at which changes have been observed, it is logical to conclude that the earth is merely a few thousand rather than millions of years old.

Consider this model. Most creationists estimate, using Old Testament genealogy, that the earth is approximately 6000 to 10,000 years old. Let’s choose a middle figure of 8,000 years.

The life expectancy of a person is currently somewhere in the seventies. Let’s round it to 80. That means a person now 80 years old has lived—according to young earth theory—roughly one percent of the earth’s life. One percent is a small, but significant, portion.

In contrast, if the earth is, say, 80 million years old, a person’s life is one ten-thousandth of one percent of the earth’s life. If the earth is older than that…well, do the math. According to that model, it is mathematically immensely less likely that significant change could have occurred within our lifetimes. Stated another way, the longer the earth has been here, the less probable it is that measurable warming could have occurred all within the last century or two.

Global warming proponents will say that virtually all global warming has happened since the Industrial Revolution. Indeed, the United States, for example, has less than five percent of the world’s population while producing over 25% of carbon emissions. If, in fact, most global warming has occurred in the last one or two centuries, it would explain its measurable increase within our lifetimes.

But, as we have seen, global warming will occur with or without humans and their machines. If plants and animals have been here for millions of years, living, dying, and decaying, and if intelligent life has been around for a few million years, using wood and peat for heat and cooking… the math just doesn’t work.

It’s also important to remember that accurate meteorological records are a fairly modern development as well. In other words, it would be very difficult to compare recent weather changes with long-term patterns—over hundreds of years, not to mention thousands or millions.

Why is it so important to know the truth about global warming?

Global warming proponents call for a replacement of fossil fuels with biomass, windpower, and other renewable resources.

Proposed government policies to limit CO2 emissions would cause real, severe, and worldwide economic damage. Anything that inhibits energy supply reduces economic activity. Proposed taxes on fossil fuels would raise product prices, drive companies out of business, and eliminate jobs. Some industries would be forced to move from the United States and other industrialized nations to other places where emission constraints did not exist or were not enforced. (Could this, in turn, increase CO2 emissions?)

Such global economic disruption would be devastating to developing countries, where people now close to starvation would, simply, starve.

What should we do about it?

Assuming global warming is real, it is not necessarily a bad thing.

Studies involving such plants as beneficial soil fungi, soybeans, wheat, scrub oak, and trees have shown that elevated CO2 concentrations have positive ecological ramifications like nutrient and water use efficiency. More efficient agriculture would benefit everyone in a rapidly expanding global population—especially those in developing countries. Wild and domestic animals will benefit as well.

Certainly, it is always best to be as environmentally responsible—using as few resources and generating as little waste—as possible. Beyond that, it is unlikely that any human activity is significantly contributing to global warming. By far the most environmentally and socially responsible course of action is to explore and exploit the positive results of global warming while supporting developing countries in their goal of becoming economically independent.

This study makes me wonder a number of things: How did the global warming scare get started? Why would people in power want us to believe in it? Why do scientists go along with it, when they must know better? It kind of brings to mind George Orwell’s 1984….

About The Author

Lisa J. Lehr is a freelance writer with a specialty in business and marketing communications. She holds a biology degree and has worked in a variety of fields, including the pharmaceutical industry and teaching, and has a particular interest in science as well as conservative social issues. She is also a graduate of American Writers and Artists Institute (AWAI), America’s leading course on copywriting. Contact Lisa J. Lehr Copywriting, for help with your business writing needs.

This article ©Lisa J. Lehr 2005.

Al Gore's Numerology; Will Global Warming Get Fixed?

by: Keith Abbott

With the release of his documentary 'An Inconvenient Truth', former vice president Al Gore is the foremost spokesman for the issue of Global Warming. He truly symbolizes it for most Americans. As a believer in symbolic magic, I hold that the influences that affect the man, will affect his issues as well. So with that in mind, what does Numerology hold in store for Al Gore in the coming years?

As a Numerologist, if I want to see what's in a person's future I look at (3) main calculations: their Life Cycles, their Letters of Transit and their Personal Year. These values give me a suggestion of what could be in a person's future; a general idea as it were.

===> His Life Cycle

Al Gore entered his second Life Cycle in 1982, and will enter his third and final life cycle in early 2009. Both of these cycles call for a good deal of hard work from him; lots of detail work on mundane down to earth matters. Gore must guard against getting depressed in these cycles.

This sounds like a dedicated public servant who will continue to work and battle for what he believes in. It may not speak well about a quick and easy solution to Global Warming, but it does show that there is little chance of Gore giving up and putting aside his work.

In March 2009, Al Gore enters his third Life Cycle, and unlike in his second Cycle, he has a specific life challenge: he must overcome a reluctance and fear of taking the leader's role; of acting independently.

Since this will be after the next presidential election, could it indicate a role for Al Gore in the next administration? Or, might it call for him to speak out even more strongly against a government which will act against his beliefs?

===> His Transit Letters

Transit letters are calculated from a person's full birth name and are the most detailed predictor of events unique to an individual. Al Gore, being born a Jr., has the unique trait of almost always having a transit letter 'R' acting on him. In fact, since he has an 'R' in each of his names, he almost always is under the influence of a 'RR' transit letter.

His current Transit letters are 'RRGR'. They began on his birthday in 2005, and end on his birthday in March 2008.

His transit letters of 'RRR' which I treat as double 'R' mark a time of ending relationships and frustrating delays in his life. In fact the double 'R' will continue for Gore for some years to come. I would say this is a clear indication that Al Gore's call for action on fixing Global Warming will see many delays through the next few years. I look for very little to be accomplished on this front.

His transit letter of 'G' marks a time when he will be secretive about his affairs, but it will also be a good period for Gore financially. I would venture to say that the cause of Global Warming will raise a great deal of money in the next (2) years. People will respond with dollars, even if the path to change will be slow.

Finally, in March 2008, Gore will gain a Transit letter 'J' for the last year of his old Life Cycle. The 'J' marks some major change in his life. He will experience indecision and his finances will take a major upswing in 2008. Could this represent a call to action by the Democratic Party either as a candidate, or behind the scenes is some fashion?

===> His Personal Year

2006 is a personal year (6) for Al Gore. This is a year when his home life and various task make unusually large demands on his time. Gore will assume new task more easily than he usually does. Duties and obligations will be handled successfully. Also, his creative endeavors, such as his book / documentary are favored at this time.

This speaks well for the success of 'An Inconvenient Truth.' It appears that that movie will get the public to respond and bring real attention to the problem of Global Warming.

In summation, I would predict success for Al Gore's message about Global Warming reaching America as a whole, but a long and frustrating battle to get our Nation to change it's spots and act to combat the problem. Also, I would predict that Gore will have some strong role in the 2008 presidential election, if not as a candidate, as a surrogate for the Democratic party. He has some definite task that he will be called on to take up in March 2009, though what it is I could not guess.

About The Author

Keith Abbott is the developer and owner of 'Numerology 4 You' where you can view Al Gore's complete Numerology reading, along with those of over 600 other celebrities. Order your own Numerology chart today at

Energy and the Environment - Nearly 90% of Global Warming Gas Emissions Are CO2

by: Larry Butz

“There is a 90 percent chance the planet's average temperatures will rise 3 to 9 F (1.7 to 4.9 C) by 2100.” This simple statement in the June 2001 report released by National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado leaves little doubt of the magnitude of the threat from global warming. The UN Environment Program estimates that the extra economic costs of disasters attributable to global warming are running at more than $300 billion annually.

The global community is responding with actions lead by the Kyoto Protocol, which aims to reduce emissions of global warming gases. Nearly 90% of global warming gas emissions are CO2, which are primarily from the use of fossil fuels for energy. The focus on energy will undoubtedly continue to increase. Throughout the world different methods are being used to encourage reduced energy use. Japan has enacted the Energy Conservation Law in 1999. The U.S. has revised ASHRAE Standard 90.1 to raise the minimum COP level for centrifugal chillers from the current value of 5.2 to 6.1 effective in October of this year. A growing number of countries are using environmental costing which includes an estimated cost for resource depletion and environmental deterioration.

Although such fees to discourage pollution were first proposed in 1920 they did not see widespread application until 1990 when Finland implemented the first carbon tax.

At present there are more than 30 countries that have some type of carbon tax in effect.

Environmental accounting (or costing) is a broader term than just a carbon tax on energy. For example, subsidies being provided to energy producing industries are a form of negative tax. Removal of such subsidies has the same effect as a carbon tax, which is to raise the price of energy to the user. Such methods make more energy efficient alternatives more financially attractive.

In the recently released "OECD Environmental Strategy for the First Decade of the 21st Century" the goal is to include “cuts to energy, farm and other subsidies so prices more accurately reflect environmental impacts”. China, the U.K., India, Indonesia and Thailand are countries that have recently eliminated subsidies to parts of their energy industries.

Will environmental costing continue to spread? Environmental costing is an estimated cost for resource depletion and environmental deterioration. One can only guess. It is intuitively attractive to tax something bad, i.e. environmental damage rather than something good such as one’s salary or company’s profits.

As a building owner, facility engineer or factory manager the implications are enormous. Just how much could energy prices change? According to European Research Commission Report released in July of this year “The cost of producing electricity from coal or oil would double if costs such as damage to the environment and health were taken into account”.

Coal subsidies in China have been more than halved since 1984, and nearly 1 million coal-mining jobs have been eliminated over the past five years as a result of far-reaching coal reduction initiatives. In 1999 alone, total coal use in China dropped 4.4%. Petroleum subsidies fell from 55% in 1990 to 2% in 1995. Source: EIA April 2001.

Any significant change in the price of energy can have a major impact on the profitability and value of a building or factory. One can protect their interests by investing in the highest possible efficiency that is economically justifiable.

In the past energy efficiency improvements in the U.S. have had a median payback of only 1.9 years meaning that IRR’s of up to 70% were not being selected. This is now changing. In addition to the economic attractiveness of high efficiency there are environmental gains through reduced emissions of carbon dioxide and other power plant emissions that are harmful to the environment.

The move to high efficiency equipment is accelerating. And at the same time, there is increasing emphasis in system design and optimization. Low flow/high delta T systems are offering energy savings in operating costs and first cost through smaller pipe diameters and pump sizes.

The focus on high efficiency HVAC equipment and systems will continue to increase as additional emphasis is being placed on the environmental costs associated with energy use.

About The Author

Larry Butz is a business globalization and energy efficiency expert for GEA Consulting. GEA Consulting is a global resource dedicated to developing practical solutions that drive client revenue, efficiency, and operational productivity. GEA Consulting can be found online at

Space Sunshade May One Day Reduce Global Warming

by: Deepak Purang

Global warming is a reality and increasingly its consequences are upon us. We may think that global warming does not affect us but the fact is it has already started to have disastrous consequences. Flash floods, droughts, receding icebergs, cyclones are some of the manifestations of global warming. Although we are aware and worried about it and trying our best to control it but no significant impact could be seen.

Scientists have come up with new strategies to tackle the problem. Now a scientist has suggested an ambitious idea to contain global warming. Put sunshades in space. That’s right. University of Arizona astronomer Roger Angel suggests putting sunshades in space and has detailed his idea in a paper “Feasibility of cooling the Earth with a cloud of small spacecraft near L1” in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. He suggests launching a constellation of trillions of small free-flying spacecraft a million miles above Earth into an orbit aligned with the sun, called the L-1 orbit.

This spacecraft would form a long, cylindrical cloud and would have a diameter about half that of Earth, and about 10 times longer. It is suggested that about 10 percent of the sunlight passing through the 60,000-mile length of the cloud, pointing lengthwise between the Earth and the sun, would be diverted away from our planet. This would result in uniformly reduced sunlight by about 2 percent over the entire planet and would balance the heating of carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere.

The use of space shade was first mooted by James Early of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in 1989.

"The earlier ideas were for bigger, heavier structures that would have needed manufacture and launch from the moon, which is pretty futuristic," Angel said. "I wanted to make the sunshade from small 'flyers,' small, light and extremely thin spacecraft that could be completely assembled and launched from Earth, in stacks of a million at a time. When they reached L1, they would be dealt off the stack into a cloud. There's nothing to assemble in space."

Angel proposes to design lightweight flyers made of transparent film pierced with small holes and would be two feet in diameter, 1/5000 of an inch thick and weigh about a gram, the same as a large butterfly. He suggests using “MEMS” technology mirrors as tiny sails that tilt to hold the flyers position in the orbiting constellation.

The weight of all flyers would be 20 millions tons. But conventional rocket launch system at $10,000 a pound would be too prohibitive. His alternative would cost only around $20 a pound.

He suggests deploying a total 20 electromagnetic launchers launching a stack of flyers every 5 minutes for 10 years. The electromagnetic launchers would use hydroelectric power but even if it uses coal-generated electricity, each ton of carbon used would reduce the effect of 1000 tons of atmospheric carbon.

Once propelled beyond Earth’s atmosphere the flyer stacks would be steered to L-1 orbit by solar-powered ion propulsion, pioneered by European Space Agency's SMART-1 moon orbiter and NASA's Deep Space 1 probe.

"The concept builds on existing technologies," Angel said. "It seems feasible that it could be developed and deployed in about 25 years at a cost of a few trillion dollars. With care, the solar shade should last about 50 years. So the average cost is about $100 billion a year, or about two-tenths of one percent of the global domestic product."

He added, "The sunshade is no substitute for developing renewable energy, the only permanent solution. A similar massive level of technological innovation and financial investment could ensure that.

"But if the planet gets into an abrupt climate crisis that can only be fixed by cooling, it would be good to be ready with some shading solutions that have been worked out."

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About The Author

Deepak Purang writes on Science & Technology and edits Science & Technology website

Global Warming Is It Real?

by: Frank Vanderlugt

The debate about global warming continues today and will continue for many decades to come. The subject of global warming refers to the average increase in the earth's temperature--which then causes changes in climate.

With the earth getting warmer, it may lead to changes in rainfall patterns, a rise in sea level, and a wide range of impacts on plants, wildlife, and humans. When scientists debate about global warming, we all benefit. We are being given all of the information available on both sides of the subject.

When we talk about the issue of climate change, the concern is primarily about global warming caused by human activities or by the natural cleansing process of the earth.

We are told by one group that we are all personally responsible for releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels when driving our automobiles or using other means of mass transit, and by home energy usage (the electricity, heating and cooling). The use of these fossil fuels is directly responsible for global warming, which is destroying the earth's biodiversity and ecosystems.

On the other side of the debate are the scientists who tell us that global warming is only partially caused by the use of fossil fuels. They want us to know that the different cycles and temperatures of the earth are part of a natural cycle that our evolving planet goes through.

The debate about global warming is one that will continue for many years to come. Neither side can provide substantial evidence that fully supports their position.

It true that we are polluting the environment and that we should reduce our use of fossil fuels, protect rainforests from being harvested, and also plant new tropical trees in countries where the rainforest have been decimated. However, this does not prove that global warming is caused by these actions or that these actions by us are meaningless.

While the debate about global warming continues, it might be wise if we consider what we can do to reduce pollution. Whether the pollution causes global warming might not be the real question here. The pollution of the environment is directly affecting the air, water and land throughout the entire world.

An action as simple as planting trees can help clean the air. An average tree uses and absorbs about 2,000 pounds of carbon dioxide during its lifespan. And, in return, the trees will release oxygen back into the atmosphere.

About The Author

Frank J Vanderlugt owns and operates All About Global Warming

Global Warming

by: Daniel J. M. Galpin

This issue is receiving much attention in the news with many declaring the end of the earth as we know it and insisting that we take immediate action or it will be too late. They enlisted many entertainment professionals to aid in their declaration, but is it fact or fiction? One thing is curtain, haste makes waste.

I raise this question for many reasons. One being that while many scientist claim it is fact, many others claim it is not. One side says if you listen to real scientist, you will see that they say it's true, but the other side claims to have real scientists too. Apparently real scientist are in disagreement, thus I repeat, haste makes waste. Secondly, 20 years ago scientists were claiming the next ice age and that we must be ready and 15 years before that they warned of global warming and prior to that the next ice age. Thus can we really trust those groups currently claiming global warming? Thirdly, those same scientist claim that evolution is how we all got here and they claim it to be science, yet true science is defined by something that is testable, observable and repeatable. Neither evolution or creation, for that matter, fall into the definition of science. Both are merely beliefs of how we got here. Beliefs, while good intentions are not science! Therefore can the scientists be trusted to evaluate climate conditions? And if the beliefs of evolution is true, why would we be fighting the next step? Again, haste makes waste.

I will concede to the fact that weather conditions appear to be changing. We are having hotter days and colder days. We are having cold when it should be hot and hot when it should be cold. The past two winters where I live have been much warmer than many before them and this summer seems to be cooler. The climate patterns we are accustomed to seem to be changing. In addition, frequency and intensity of natural disasters seem to be growing. However, is that due to human activity or is there another possible answer?

I propose just as there is a long standing debate regarding our beginnings: Evolution Vs. Creation, there is also another possible explanation for the climate changing conditions. Those that claim global warming, warn that the end is near, if we don't do something soon. While I disagree about their conclusions regarding what is causing climate change, I do agree, the end may be near. The most accurate history book available to the human race also declares meteorological disasters will increase towards the end of time as we know it. The Bible warns they are like a woman's birthing pains. Thus, disasters will increase.

I leave this as a second possible cause for our planets change in climate. While we can see the changes taking place and observe them, compare them to past records and thus conclude such change is occurring, we merely believe and cannot prove that humans are responsible. This would require us to test, observe and repeat the past actions of our ancestors and that is something we can not do. I place my belief in a trusted source, the most accurate history book in history, the Bible. I do believe we need to prepare for the end, although the end that is coming is unavoidable and certain. Humankind cannot fix it. We will have to endure it and either accept or reject the one that is causing it: the Lord and Savior of all humanity, Jesus Christ.

Dan Galpin for President!
You don't have to vote for me, but vote Independent!

About The Author

Dan Galpin is running as a write-in candidate for the 2008 Presidential election.

You don't have to vote for me, but vote Independent!

The Ultimate Way To Stop Global Warming

by: Jessica Brown

The Earth’s surface temperature has risen by about 1 degree Fahrenheit in the past century, with accelerated warming during the past two decades. There is new and stronger evidence that most of the warming over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities. Human activities have altered the chemical composition of the atmosphere through the buildup of greenhouse gases—primarily carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. The heat-trapping property of these gases is undisputed although uncertainties exist about exactly how earth’s climate responds to them.

Energy from the sun drives the earth’s weather and climate, and heats the earth’s surface; in turn, the earth radiates energy back into space. Atmospheric greenhouse gases (water vapor, carbon dioxide, and other gases) trap some of the outgoing energy, retaining heat somewhat like the glass panels of a greenhouse.

Without this natural “greenhouse effect,” temperatures would be much lower than they are now, and life as known today would not be possible. Instead, thanks to greenhouse gases, the earth’s average temperature is a more hospitable 60°F. However, problems may arise when the atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases increases.

Since the beginning of the industrial revolution, atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide have increased nearly 30%, methane concentrations have more than doubled, and nitrous oxide concentrations have risen by about 15%. These increases have enhanced the heat-trapping capability of the earth’s atmosphere. Consequently, the temperature of the planet earth is rising.

Fossil fuels burned to run cars and trucks, heat homes and businesses, and power factories are responsible for about 98% of world carbon dioxide emissions, 24% of methane emissions, and 18% of nitrous oxide emissions. Increased agriculture, deforestation, landfills, industrial production, and mining also contribute a significant share of emissions. All these have dramatically reduce the lifespan of living earth.

The quest for efficient energy affects every country on the planet. Worldwide there is an increasing interest in developing clean, reliable alternatives to petroleum fuels. Many smart, safe, and clean alternative power sources are available in the market.

People can easily install these clean power sources at their home as alternative energy to help reducing carbon dioxide emission as well as reducing their utilities bill.

In recent year, people has come up with alternative power sources run their cars in order to reduce the spending on petrol gas and of course, reduce the carbon dioxide emission.

Please play your part on global warming. It is easy and at the same time, you could save money!

About The Author

Jessica Brown has successfully installed alternative power source on her car. She never pumps gas ever since. Recently, she sold her 10 year-old car to a company.


The Unknow Facts About Global Warming

by: James Heimler

The issues about global warming and the effects of global warming are continuously under debate. Somehow the debate has made its way into virtually every aspect of our lives. There is even thought that the issues about global warming are also applicable to the beliefs that other beings from other planets were forced to make themselves to Earth as their planet began to deteriorate, due to global warming.

It is all around us. It is on the weather stations. It faces us when we decide to purchase a new car or even a cleaning product. The real issues come when trying to learn about global warming. There is a lot of conflicting information on the internet and there is not one group that can agree on all aspects of the global warming debate.

Over the past century, with out a doubt, global temperatures have risen. While the rise in temperature has been only a degree or so, the concern is whether the Earth's temperatures will continue to rise and what impact that will have on the environment. The controversy about the warming of the earth is a result of conflicting evidence.

The fact that global warming also occurred in the prehistoric era is a scientific point. Some think a large meteor hitting the planet caused an big change in the earth's temperature. Is that what killed the dinosaurs? Science cannot prove this conclusively yet. The political and industrial lobbies further complicate conversations about global warming. The contention of these groups is that, we currently do not know enough about the effects of global warming to limit industrial emissions.

When will we know the full facts about global warming and will the global warming issue be resolved anytime soon? Unfortunately the answer is no. There will continue to be studies performed and there will always be a measure of doubt clouding the minds of citizens around the world. Perhaps, when enough data comes through, we will be able to make a determination based on scientific fact rather than theory. Until then we can continue to monitor the progress of scientists and try to do our part in conserving the environment.

About The Author

As a Los Angeles architect for JHAI,, specializing in green architecture James Heimler knows the importance of protecting our environment and its resources.

"Can I Save the World?" Easy Solutions to Global Warming at our Fingertips

by: Helena Jackson

With so much information out there about global warming and the effects that are causing natural disasters, is there anything we as individuals can do to make a difference? Yep! You don't need to move mountains, but a small pebble can really make ripples that can create positive changes world wide. Here's a few "pebbles" you can use today!

We all feel we have a purpose in life. As more of us become aware of the damaging effects of global warming, we are also concerned about practical solutions to the problem. Most importantly, how can we fit in as part of the solution, instead of the problem?

Unfortunately, many of us become overwhelmed when we watch the ever-increasing natural disasters and it starts to feel like the world is crashing around us. I remember watching the plane hit the World Trade Center over and over and over again. I remember being completely paralyzed to the television. Sleep was optional, but only in between important news breaks. I felt helpless. I wanted to understand the reasoning behind the attacks to ease my fears of possible future attacks, but I mainly wanted a sense of control back into my life.

I do not like to focus on the doom of global warming because that's not the best mindset for me to find solutions and implement actions. I truly believe we all can make a difference in our lives, in the lives of our families, friends and community. I also am a firm believer that every single action taken produces a ripple effect throughout the world. When we take a simple action such as changing a light bulb to a compact fluorescent bulb, a positive motion is set in place.

Just for fun, let's see what can happen: (this will show how the action affects others)

o That old bulb in the living finally goes out. You go to your local hardware store and see miles of shelves of light bulbs! OY! (production of CFL bulbs)

o Someone comes over to help and maybe suggest a CFL. "A what?" you ask. The assistant tells you that even though the bulb is more expensive than a basic tungsten bulb, it will last years longer, it will not burn hot, uses way less energy, thus saving you money every month AND prevents the release of more than 450 pounds of emission from a power plant normally used to light the old style bulbs into the air! (increased sales and more potential advertisement of a green product, decreased amount of carbons released into the atmosphere)

o You read the advertisement and glimpse the familiar EnergyStar sign. So, you think, "Why not!" (increased awareness of a great program)

o You go home and your kids ask you about the funny looking bulb. (educates the kids and tell their friends how smart their parents are!)

o Your friends come over for dinner and recognize the bulb, but never really considered buying one until now. (increased awareness through word-of mouth [extremely powerful!!!] and more potential sales, advertisement, decreased emissions)

o You get the electric bill the next month and notice you really did use less electricity AND saved a little money. ($$$)

o You go to buy more CFL bulbs and realize the prices dropped a bit due to increased sales! (supply and demand of a product that improves our world)

That's just for changing one bulb! Just one action really can make an impact. Just because we do not always see the immediate results don't mean they aren't there!

So what are the best solutions of global warming? Can we help save the world? Yep. I would first suggest do whatever feels right for you. The level of comfort will be different for everyone. To me, it can be summed up as: AWARENESS and ACTION


My first exposure to environmental issues came about while working at Home Depot. I watch as a person chained himself to our lumber shelves and awaited the local police. His actions, maybe a bit extreme to some, created awareness to the customers, Home Depot and the media. Many of those same actions ultimately changed the way Home Depot purchased and sold lumber.

For me, my level of comfort was turning off the lights. The more I learned, the more I did to help the environment. Learning about basic, easy-to-do home repairs really made a difference and increased my confidence as well as the confidence of my customers.

Now, years later, I must say living in Thailand has taught me a lot about saving energy as well as joining together for what you believe in. I've seen Thais go to the employment office and march because wages were too low. I have witnessed the ousting of a political figure because the Thais felt betrayed.

I have greater respect for Thais and for others I've met from different countries. Their views and actions have taught me so much about global warming. I also have greater appreciation for our abilities as Americans to make changes worldwide.

So to further answer people's question - "What are the best solutions to global warming?" My suggestions are all easy to do, but the main factor lies with what is comfortable for you. If I am given a great idea, but is too time-intensive, I probably won't do it. But if it's as easy as hitting the enter key, now you got my attention!

Ok. We are much more aware of what's going on. We understand we have a problem. Now what?


I started with small steps. As I learned more, I found the bigger steps easier than I realized. I discussed my views with others and listened to their ideas.

My friends in Alabama recently installed solar heaters and a tankless water heater. Businesses are seeing the advantages of doing the right thing and stepping up their environmental cleaning efforts People from all walks of life have created petitions requesting a more proactive government. Even the 2008 Presidential Candidates are listening. Many are now including global warming as their primary issue.

Need some ideas to get your creative green juices flowing? OK! Here you go! Enjoy!

o Get the family involved - make it fun and educational.

o Make it a project during your child's science fair.

o Chat with your friends - they may have some unique ideas.

o Add a signature tag to your emails. I have a personal account with Yahoo. Whenever I send someone an email, my signature message or quote is at the end of the page. I create the signature once and forget about it. If you see a quote you like or have a message to share with others - signature it!

o Find out what tax incentives or refunds are available to you, i.e. hybrid car tax incentives, toilet replacement rebates, deduct the costs of energy-saving appliances and energy renovations in your home.

o Support greener businesses. Our money dictates what businesses sell. Our support encourages businesses to continue doing the right thing.

o Want to invest in the stock market? What companies are moving forward in clean-up? Researching new technologies? Contributing portions of their profits to support environmental organizations?

o Vote. What candidates are fighting for positive changes in the environment? Who seems to be making global warming a primary focus in their campaign? How does the candidate balance global warming and the economy? Does the candidate understand the threat and what solutions does he or she offer?

o Join others online and become a part of something bigger. In the past, petitions involved going door-to-door or standing near the mall entrance. Thanks to the internet, a letter to Congress has never been easier - or more effective! Read the letter already prepared. If you agree with it, type your name and hit ENTER !

o Submit your ideas to websites. I would love input from you! Your ideas can be just what someone else needed! Many websites would also benefit from your thoughts and appreciate the communication!

o Start a discussion group in your community. Barnes and Noble or Borders are excellent meetings spots. It's a great way to meet others and bounce around ideas.

o Help improve your neighborhood. In Tampa, there's a wonderful community group that has a Project Lottery. Each participant chooses a project they need completed on their house. A name is pulled every month. The neighbors spend one weekend on the project. The lucky owner provides drinks and snacks to the neighbors volunteering.

o Create a website of your own! Everyone has a voice. Today, websites are effective communicators and very inexpensive. Get the kids or the community involved. Let your voice be heard too!

About The Author

As a writer, teacher and founder of, Helena Jackson is constantly trying to find simple and easy ways to make a difference in the world.

Be sure to download our FREE E-Book with many great ideas and tips to save energy and save you money. Thanks!